Rochelle Behrens tells us about her inspiration, plans, and female empowerment.
Rochelle Behrens is gaining more and more attention with The Shirt. And why shouldn't she? Her design recreates the classic button-down shirt, but in a way that strengthens womens' self-image of themselves. In our exclusive interview with Rochelle, she tells us about her inspiration, plans, and views on female empowerment!
ML: So I hear your career began as a lobbyist is Washington! Did you ever expect to end up in fashion?
Rochelle: No, I was in college, and I was double-majoring in Art and Political Science. After college, I had an opportunity to either pursue Art or Politics, and I chose Politics. But I’ve found that if you’re interested in something, it will emerge. I love what I’m doing now with The Shirt, because it’s merging two things that I care about so much!
ML:The idea of Dual Button Technology is so brilliant. Why do you think no one has come up with it yet?
Rochelle: I have no idea! I only discovered it because I work in an office.
ML: I see that you have three variations of The Shirt online. Do you plan to design more?
Rochelle: Yes! We wanted basic, but now we want to expand. I’m planning to experiment with new colors, patterns, and fabrics. We worked very hard to get The Shirt into buyers’ offices. Beginning mid-February, The Shirt will be featured in five Bloomingdale’s in America’s biggest cities. You can also find The Shirt at the National Jean Company in New York, as well as Wink in Georgetown.
ML:The Shirt is so representative of DC fashion. Where do you see the trends of DC going?
Rochelle:I see DC as a city emerging more, fashion-wise. There are more young people, making the city more fashionable as a whole. There are also more luxury goods available. And DC street fashion is becoming bigger and more popular. Female politicians are becoming more professional, and less conservative.
ML: Other than your own experiences, was there anything specific that inspired the design of the shirt?
Rochelle: Well I have to tell you, ever since I launched The Shirt, there has been a huge outpouring of disappointed men. But my intention is not to cover up, but to empower women to choose how far they want to unbutton their shirt.
Be sure to check out her website, and watch out for The Shirt in Bloomingdale's next month!
(As seen on JoonBug DC)